Monday, November 7, 2011

The Land of Lions

Feeling the urge for a good hike, I searched "Great hikes in LA." One of the few (or many) stood out to me based on its location, trail length and elevation climb. It took me to a place called Los Liones Drive. I road that runs north just off Sunset Blvd., close to where it hits PCH. It took me about one hour and fifteen minutes to reach Parker Overlook, which is 3.5 miles one way. It rained only a few days ago so the low land canyon crevices were extremely lush and fun to navigate through. The sights were beautiful and continue to only get better the higher you go.
Be sure to pack a lunch and bring at least two bottles of water. Once you get to the top you don't want to leave anytime soon. It is a bit of a climb though and keeping a steady pace without stopping can be tough, but don't stop because your legs will get used to it and just keep on pushing!

Upper Picture:
from the top (1,300ft.)
Santa Monica in background.
Lower Picture:
Abundance of ivy vines that cover the lower evergreen. (B&W)

For more info: Liones Trails

Sunday, November 6, 2011

As you can tell from my last short video I made, I went to a fairly isolated surf spot in Central California called Jalama. This picture says it all. It was taken by my buddy Timothy Tidwell who has lately been excelling in photography. He captures in this photo what Jalama is all about. You have Amtrak (a symbol of California transportation), the rolling hills that a rancher and their cattle roam, one road in and one road out (same road) and that big blue ocean.

On this day we were departing and stopped to grab this shot. If it is ok with Tim, my mother titled it "On the Right Track". JALAMA

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Charger Rick

Check out Opening Day at Qualcomm Stadium when the San Diego Chargers took on the Minnesota Vikings. We were there in full effect filming Rickonia as he paraded around the stadium before and after the game trying to bother as many people as possible. Though, we ended up making more friends than enemies, like usual.

click the link below:
CHARGER RICK 9/11/2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011